Recursos tangibles e intangibles de los estudiantes ante el COVID-19 en su proceso educativo: Dos campos temáticos de la Universidad de Guadalajara




Covid-19, higher education, resources, family, factor analysis


Perception of 895 students from two campuses of the University of Guadalajara (Mexico). It is described, about their professors, the resources, such as spaces and the Internet at home, and the support they have from both their classmates and their parents, given the suspension of classes by SARS-CoV-2. Namely, administrative economic sciences (CUCEA) and humanities (CUCSH). From an Exploratory Factor Analysis, latent variables of online education are identified: Teachers, resources and support within the tangible and intangible in the educationalprocess. The results show that, in the absence of a classroom, online peermeeting and family support play a relevant role. The CUCEA perceives greater support and the CUCSH better perception of its teachers. Students with parents with basic education have a perception of more qualified teachers than those with parents with postgraduate education, the latter also have better material and support resources. In general, advantages of virtual education are perceived, associated with teachers and support, and disadvantage in the technological resources available. Resources may not be essential in the face-to-face class, but they are in virtuality. This abrupt change shows the need to revalue the role of the teacher and support at home, that is, of the human elements, to strengthen the learning process as a principle of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD).

Author Biographies

Evangelina Cruz Barba, Universidad de Guadalajara

Lic. En Turismo, Maestra en Negocios y Estudios Económicos y Doctora en Educación por la Universidadde Guadalajara (U de G). Profesora del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas del Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas en el área de Estadística y Metodología. Miembro del Comité Interinstitucional para la Evaluación de la Educación Superior (CIEES) y del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores.

Luz Eugenia Aguilar González, Universidad de Guadalajara

Licenciada en Letras por la Universidad de Guadalajara, maestra en educación por la Universidad del Valle de Atemajac y doctora en educación por la Universidad de Guadalajara. Profesora-investigadora adscrita al Departamento de Letras de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Miembro del Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa y del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores


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2022-07-01 — Updated on 2022-07-04




Región Latinoamericana: Economía, Política y Sociedad