Minería y desarrollo en América Latina: ¿amistades peligrosas o relaciones virtuosas?





Mining, Development, Extractiva industries, Resource nationalism, Latin America


The objective of this article is to analyze the intellectual bases on the relationship between mining and development from the eighteenth century until the beginning of the last international mining boom of 2000-2013, with a critical and historical approach and emphasis on Latin America. The working hypothesis, corroborated throughout the study, is that the privatization-nationalization cycles in mining governance, which were completed approximately between 1870-1940, 1950-1980 and 1990-2015 and ran parallel to the conjuncture of international prices, conditioned the orientation of the debate on the relationship between mining (as an economic sector with very special characteristics) and economic development when the latter became the main objective of the countries of the region.

Author Biography

Rafael Domínguez Martín , Universidad de Cantabria

Catedrático de Historia e Instituciones Económicas y director del Grupo de Investigación Cátedra COIBA del Departamento de Economía (Universidad de Cantabria). Profesor del Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Salamanca, colabora con varias universidades de institutos de investigación de México, Colombia y Ecuador. Ha ejercido actividades de investigación y consultoría para varias agencias de desarrollo internacional.


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2022-01-01 — Updated on 2022-01-11
