Heidegger in Peru: The Reception of Heideggerian Thought in Mariano Ibérico and Antenor Orrego during the First Half of the 20th Century


  • Eduardo Enrique Yalán Dongo Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú




Heidegger, spiritualism, Peruvian philosophy, Vallejo, ontology


This article examines how Mariano Iberico and Antenor Orrego reinterpreted Martin Heidegger’s thought within the spiritualist context of Peru, highlighting a Latin American perspective that challenges the European conception of philosophy. The enthusiastic reception of Heidegger in Hispanic America, especially promoted in Peru in the late 20th century, contrasts with the critique from Iberico and Orrego, who rooted their perspectives in poetic art, mysticism, and musical vitalism as central to a spiritualist ontology. Iberico approached being from an integration of rhythm and poetics, while Orrego, also influenced by Bergson, developed a critical framework that emphasized vital expression and creativity within being. Through four sections, the article traces this philosophical exchange, demonstrating how Peruvian thought asserts itself as a creative, non-subordinate dialogue with Heidegger and articulates a unique perspective on being and art, illustrating that Latin American philosophy actively contributes to universal debates without confining itself to a passive role of reception.

Author Biography

Eduardo Enrique Yalán Dongo, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

Magister y doctorando de filosofía por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). Forma parte de la Asociación peruana de semiótica, del Grupo de Investigación Semiótica del Instituto de Investigación Científica (IDIC) de la Universidad de Lima. Docente en la Universidad de Lima y la PUCP. Autor del libro ‘Semiótica del consumo’ (2018), ‘La reapropiación del sentido’ (2021) y "Semiótica y trabajo: Ensayos sobre el trabajo contemporáneo" (2024).


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