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The worldwide authoritarian wave and extremism during the COVID-19 pandemic


  • Rafael Moreno Valencia Universidad de Guadalajara



authoritarism, extremism, nationalism, COVID-19


The current COVID-19 pandemic has had economic, political and social impacts worlwide. However, the current health crisis has brought with it another pandemic: a growing wave of authoritarianism and extremism in many societies. Factors such as economic, humanitarian or socio-political crises have triggered polarization and social unrest, while political movements have taken advantage of these crises to come to power or advance their political agendas. The health crisis only exacerbated the already existing authoritarian tendencies, meanwhile extremist groups have taken advantage of the online activity and connectivity of confined people to attract more followers and take violent action through social media. If the expansion of the power and autonomy of nation-states grows during the COVID-19 pandemic, along with limited checks and balances, there are risks of lasting effects on the privacy, security and democracy of all countries.

Author Biography

Rafael Moreno Valencia, Universidad de Guadalajara

Licenciado en Relaciones Internacionales, especialización en Integración Europea por la Universidad Corvinus de Budapest, Hungría. Experiencia en cancillería en la Embajada de México en Hungría concurrente con Bulgaria y Croacia. Maestrante por el programa en Relaciones Internacionales de los Gobiernos y Actores Locales (UDG). Su principal línea de investigación actual es el estudio de la política exterior de México hacia Europa.


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Región Latinoamericana: Economía, Política y Sociedad