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The Shadow of Dishonesty: Investigating the Commercialization of Academic Work on Instagram


  • Theodora Lucas Holz FURG
  • Errol Fernando Zepka Junior FURG



authorship, ghostwriting, ethics-writers


The article analyzes the comprehensive and multifaceted discussion about authorship in academic works, showing that authors are not restricted to the final writing, but include those who contribute at different stages of the process. Author definitions and related ethical issues are explored, such as ghostwriting, where writers are hired to produce work on behalf of others. In addition, professional codes of ethics and examples of common infractions are discussed. A review of the literature reveals questionable practices, including the production of academic works to order. The study method involves bibliographical research and documentary analysis, adopting a qualitative approach. The research was carried out via Instagram, investigating profiles that sell academic work. The results highlight a series of illegal and unethical practices among the companies investigated, which exploit students' vulnerability and compromise academic integrity. Final considerations highlight the urgent need for measures to combat such practices, aiming to protect the integrity and value of education and research. In summary, the article emphasizes the importance of promoting transparency and responsibility in the authorship of academic works, aiming to preserve the integrity of the educational and scientific process.

Author Biographies

Theodora Lucas Holz, FURG

Bacharela em Administração pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG).

Errol Fernando Zepka Junior, FURG

Mestre em Administração (FURG); MBA em Gestão estratégica de Negócios (Unopar); Aperfeiçoado em Tecnologias na Educação (IFMG); Aperfeiçoado em Como ensinar a distância (Uniasselvi), Bacharel em Administração (FURG


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