The lost hunter, a Tikuna narrative from the perspective of Rodolfo Kusch




Descolonization, Tikuna, Interculturality, Narrative, Ethnography


The lost hunter is a mythical narrative of the Ticuna people that appears in the middle of an educational investigation and by the hand of an indigenous man named Methuselah. The article states that the narrative is a good example to illustrate the phagocytization of Kusch, a philosophical/anthropological concept according to which the indigenous person is an active agent in the processes of cultural syncretism. In the discourse analysis, an identification of what is symbolic in the myth is made, together with a line that gives meaning to the events that are related. It is concluded that the myth explains how Ticuna sees those who see them, for example tourists, researchers who visit them in their community, and on the other hand it is said that it is a story about how Ticuna sees its relationship with relatives of others Indigenous people.

Author Biography

Charles Alexander Britto Alarcón, Universidad Federal de Río Grande do Sul

Graduado en Psicología por la Universidad INCCA de Colombia. Magister del Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (PPGEDU/UFRGS). Investigador en el Grupo de Pesquisa PEABIRU: Educação Ameríndia e Interculturalidade (CNPq; BR).


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2022-01-01 — Updated on 2022-08-12
