Crisis of the State in Latin America in the 21st century


  • Karol Derwich Universidad Jaguelónica



State, Dysfunctional States, Latin America


The paradigm of the State still has a great importance. First, it is a fundamental category of political science. Second, since the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, when the idea of the sovereign State was born, States have played a central role in the international system. Changes that confront the State nowadays include, in the first-place sovereignty and territoriality. One has to consider, during the transformation of the sovereign State into an international actor, its capacity to realize certain tasks or functions. In some cases, contemporary States are losing these capacities in favor of non-state actors. The objective of this article is to analyze changes in the role and the very nature of State in last years and refer it to the changes that are taking place in Latin America and the Caribbean region up to the end of the second decade of the 21st century. The author proposes the concept of dysfunctional State, which refers to States that have no possibilities, no resources and no instruments required to fulfil some basic functions related to security, control of territory or violence. The thesis formulated by the author is that Latin America suffers significant problems due to State disfunction, a situation that creates a significant challenge for the whole region.

Author Biography

Karol Derwich, Universidad Jaguelónica

Doctor habilitado en Ciencias políticas y administración; Profesorasociado del Departamento de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Director delDepartamento de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la UniveersidadJagielónica, Coordinador del Centro Mexicano de la UniversidadJaguelónica; trabaja sobre el temas de Estado, transformacionesdemocráticas, crimen organizado en America Latina con en focussobre México


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2021-01-01 — Updated on 2021-01-08