Notes on the liberal concept of democracy


  • Angel Alejandro Avalos Torres Universidad de Guadalajara



democracy, democratization, civil society, State


This article proposes a review of the liberal concept of democracy in relation to the changing context in which it has developed. Four main axes will be considered: first, the principles of economic freedom and individual liberty that have influenced the idea of liberal democracy; second, the debate between parliamentary and presidential democracy, given the emergence of presidential democracies in the Americas; third, the so-called transition to democracy, which arose from the geopolitical disputes after World War II and the Cold War, leading to a fundamental opposition between Western democracies and the so-called authoritarian regimes, remnants of socialist regimes; and fourth, civil society democracy, where conceptual developments revolve around a second fundamental opposition, promoting the establishment of regimes whose main political actor is the organized citizenry as opposed to the State.Keywords: democracy, democratization, civil society, State.

Author Biography

Angel Alejandro Avalos Torres, Universidad de Guadalajara

Licenciado en Sociología por la Universidad de Guadalajara. Egresado de la Maestría en Ciencia Política por la Universidad de Guadalajara.


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