¿Es Estados Unidos excepcional?





United States, American Studies, Political Culture, Foreign Policy, Nationalism


Issues of national identity have been constants in American history, up to and including today, with the Civil War being the most notable example of serious disagreement about national identity and unity. There are many interpretations of how the country came to be, what its defining characteristics are, and how factual or merely self congratulatory the claims of “exceptionality” really were or are now. This essay is meant as a comprehensive introductory overview of the “exceptionality” claim from an empirical comparative politics and society standpoint, regarding actual performance outcomes. The perspectives and characteristics set forth below are not definitive or exclusive, but are useful to take into consideration when trying to understand the formation of the country and the effects of that process today. Many links to high-quality, cost-free online sources in English are offered to encourage further study of the contemporary situation of the United States in a comparative context.

Author Biography

Wayne A. Selcher , University of Florida

PhD, University of Florida, Ciencias Políticas. Profesor Emérito de Estudios Internacionales, Elizabethtown College, PA, EE.UU. Especialista en Relaciones Internacionales, Política Internacional y Políticas Exteriores Latinoamericanas. Política Exterior Estadounidense, los valores y la cultura estadounidenses en un contexto comparado, y el uso académico del Internet.


Lipset, S. M. (1996). American Exceptionalism. Obtenido de The Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/style/longterm/books/chap1/


PBS. (s/a). Seymour Martin Lipset Interview. Obtenido de Public Broadcasting Service: https://www.pbs.


PBS. (s/a). The History of the American Flag. Obtenido de Public Broadcasting Service: https://www.pbs.


* El artículo contiene enlaces a

fuentes en línea gratuitas y de alta calidad en inglés para fomentar un mayor estudio de la situación contemporánea de Estados Unidos en un contexto comparativo.


2022-01-01 — Updated on 2022-01-11
