Exteriority and zone of non-being. It made a transversal understanding of oppression: a critical dialogue with Enrique Dussel and Ramón Grosfoguel


  • Oswaldo Gómez Castañeda Universidad de Guadalajara




exteriority, other, zone of being, zone of non-being, transversal


This work is made up of two parts. In the first of these we analyze the category of exteriority in Dussel’s thought; we will notice what is its limitation for the understanding of the heterogeneity of the oppression of the Other in relation to an institutional system. Likewise, taking as a starting point the meaning that the Mendoza philosopher gives to the enunciated category, we propose a development of it to make explicit in what forms and moments the oppression of the Other is manifested in an institutional system. In the second part we analyze, in relation to exteriority, Grosfoguel’s fanonian conception of racism, particularly the notions of zone of being and zone of non-being, noting how it is possible to articulate them and what meaning they have given such an articulation in relation to the oppression of the Other in a totality. We will thus approach a transversal understanding of oppression in which the Other as oppressed in an institutional system appears precisely situated as such.

Author Biography

Oswaldo Gómez Castañeda, Universidad de Guadalajara

Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad de Guadalajara, CUCSH. Líneas de investigación: Pensamiento Latinoamericano: Filosofía y Teología de la liberación, Pensamiento Decolonial y movimientos armados en México (y América Latina). Correo de contacto: ogc_1986@hotmail.com ORCID: 0000-0002-5230-7640


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2021-07-01 — Updated on 2021-08-12
