Violence, Reproduction, and Resistance: Notes for the Study of Women


  • María de los Ángeles Gallegos Ramírez Universidad de Guadalajara



women, violence, reproduction, resistance, patriarchy


In this work, I reflect on how women reproduce and resist the multiple forms of violenceimposed by the patriarchal system in specific contexts. I argue that in different spheres ofsocial interaction, we have as a foundation a set of conceptions about ourselves and ourduty to be and act, which delineate our positions, aspirations, and worldviews, and framethe type of relationship we establish among ourselves and with others. This leads us toconfront a world that constantly subjects, denies, and marginalizes us, to which, at times,we resist; other times, we reinforce it, and in some situations, we combine both responses.To do this, I analyze the testimonies and speeches given in conversations and discussionsin two different spaces: that of female mariachi instrumentalists, whose work activity isoriginally designated for men, and that of a reflection group - both academic and experiential- on patriarchy. I am interested in showing how, despite the existing differencesbetween these cases, they also present similarities that refer us to the same source of meaning:patriarchal ideology and domination.

Author Biography

María de los Ángeles Gallegos Ramírez, Universidad de Guadalajara

Departamento de Sociología Universidad de Guadalajara.


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Región Latinoamericana: Economía, Política y Sociedad