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Motherhood, Abortion, and Horror: The Portrayal of Abortion in 'El último verano' by Amparo Dávila and 'El anillo' by Elena Garro


  • Claudia Gil de la Piedra Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



abortion, fantastic literature, horror, mexican literature, motherhood


This study focuses on the representation of abortion through symbols and specific elements of fantastical literature found in two short stories written by Mexican authors. In 'El último verano' (1977) by Amparo Dávila, unwanted motherhood in mature age is observed, whereas 'El anillo' (1964) by Elena Garro depicts the same situation in a violated teenage girl. The main objective is to explore the discursive mechanisms and fantastical literary elements that construct a narrative capable of shedding light on one of the most notable taboos in Mexican society. Furthermore, these narratives illustrate the obstacles faced by the protagonists in relation to motherhood: poverty, illegitimacy, and old age, portrayed as agents of horror.

Author Biography

Claudia Gil de la Piedra , Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Licenciada en literatura francesa por la UNAM, maestra en literatura mexicana contemporánea por la UAM-A y doctorante en literatura latinoamericana, en el CELA-UNAM. Es profesora en el Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey y en la UAM-Azcapotzalco.


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