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Latin America and China: south-south cooperation in the development and latin american international insertion


  • Ítalo Jansen de Sousa Feitosa Universidade Estadual do Piauí



South-South Cooperation, Cooperation, Latin America, China, Regional development


The present paper aims to analyze the current political scene in Latin America and how multilateralism and South-South Cooperation, especially regarding Latin America-China relations. The hypothesis is that political cooperation with China has a crucial importance for the political-economic development of Latin American countries. Hence, the work initiallyanalyzes Latin America and its relations with the United States, marked mainly by the USA interference in internal subjects and the underdevelopment and peripheral role of Latin America as a result of this imperialism and how, after the Cold War, multilateralism and cooperation with China has supported the Region’s development process. The methodology used is exploratory and the method was the post-structuralist theory and the tianxia theory, or Chinese peaceful diplomacy. The work shows that, despite authors defending multilateralism and Latin America-China relations as a new facet of imperialism that blocks the development of the region, relations with China are important to the political-economic development of Latin countries and to Latin American and its role in the international political scene.

Author Biography

Ítalo Jansen de Sousa Feitosa, Universidade Estadual do Piauí

Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Estadual do Piauí (2013), Pós-graduado (latu senso) em DireitosHumanos pelo Instituto Esperança Garcia e Faculdade Adelmar Rosado (2019), Mestrando em CiênciaPolítica pela Universidade Federal do Piauí (2021- )


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