Human mobility and refuge, superimposing resistance devices on migration necropolitics in Mexico and the United States: The role of faith-based organizations and social services in the United States and Mexico


  • Lena Alejandra Brena Ríos Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Human mobility, necropolitics, networks, refugees, organizations and social services


This article aims to discuss and analyze the role of faith-based and social service organizations in the United States and Mexico, which help refugees or migrants from a faith or social services perspective. The research tries to detect the values, objectives and networks that organizations have to carry out a task that should be carried out by the government in both countries. However, what we see is how, faced with a necropolitical context of violations of basic human rights such as the life and integrity of refugees and migrants, these organizations undertake resistance to give dignity and value to these people who are treated with contempt or as a burden on the government bureaucracies that are responsible for serving them from the legal and social spheres.

Author Biography

Lena Alejandra Brena Ríos , Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Becaria del Programa de Becas Posdoctorales de la UNAM. Doctora en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales,UNAM. Maestra en Sociología Política, Instituto de Investigaciones, Dr. José Ma. Luis Mora. Licenciadaen Ciencias Políticas y Administración Pública, UNAM. Mención Honorífica.


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Entrevistas realizadas de marzo a junio de 2021 a:

Lutheran Social Service Of Southwest: Heidi Urbina.

Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes-México:Conrado Zepeda.

Jewish Social Services of Madison: Becca Schwartz.

El Pozo de Vida (Dreams): Fernanda Cortés y Lyd Pensado.

Casa Scalabriniana/Tijuana: Graciela Parra.

Casa Scalabriniana/Guadalajara: Padre José Juan Cervantes.

Jesuit Refugee Service USA: Joshua Utter.

Episcopal Migration Ministries: Allison Duvall.


2023-01-01 — Updated on 2023-01-16




Región Latinoamericana: Economía, Política y Sociedad