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Signs, symbols and meanings of gender as organizers of the work process between hostesses


  • Fabiola Sánchez Correa Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana



Symbolic anthropology, Labor studies, Aesthetic-corporal work, Emotional work, Hostesses


This article analyzes from the symbolic anthropology, the work of hostesses in Mexico. Through the work process and the characteristics of the workers to enter the activity, it was found that femininity constructs organize work and reproduce social order. The findings of four recognized constructions of femininity are presented through the analysis of the signs,symbols and meanings involved in the organization of work. Interviews, image and videoanalysis were conducted. The methodology is qualitative and interpretive.

Author Biography

Fabiola Sánchez Correa , Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Doctora y maestra en Estudios Sociales con especialidad en Estudios Laborales por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Licenciada en Antropología Social por la Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia en la Ciudad de México. Áreas de investigación: trabajos en los servicios, informales, precarios, flexibles, subjetividades laborales e identidad


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Región Latinoamericana: Economía, Política y Sociedad