The international economic factor in the so-called transition to democracy in Mexico: a proposal for an approach from institutional change


  • Ángel Alejandro Ávalos Torres Universidad de Guadalajara



Mexico, democracy, State, PRI, crisis


This paper will explore the primary role that the economic environment had in the institutional change observed in the Mexican political system, once centralist and corporate, which needed to promote a series of internal political reforms in order to adapt to the demands of an international economy. changeable. From the perspective of institutional change, it is proposed to contemplate both exogenous and endogenous elements to address a process of regime change, such as the so-called transition to democracy in Mexico.

Author Biography

Ángel Alejandro Ávalos Torres, Universidad de Guadalajara

Licenciado en Sociología por la Universidad de Guadalajara. Egresado de la Maestría en Ciencia Políticapor la Universidad de Guadalajara.


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2022-07-01 — Updated on 2022-07-04
